CulturE Bias & Diversity
This course is divided into Four Module
Each Module is a stand alone Unit. Choose the modules that supports the training you desire for your staff.
Module 1:
Culture: A force that shapes behavior and values Objectives: a. Identify culture as a predominant force in shaping behaviors, values and institutions. b. Define Culture, Values, and Behavior c. Describe the commonalities that exist within cultures d. Describe things that influences behavior. Module 2: Diversity within and between cultures Objectives: a. Define Diversity b. Describe what makes a subculture c. Describe elements that make diversity within a culture effective d. Define Inclusion e. Describe the origin of bias. |
Module 3:
Cultural Differences & Learning Objectives: a. Describe the way people learn b. Describe Laws of Learning c. Describe cultural norms to learning d. Describe the effect culture has on learning. e. Explain the differences between a dependent and an independent learner f. Describe causes of an achievement gap between cultures g. Define Culturally Responsive Teaching h. Define Neuroplasticity i. Explain the ready to Rigor framework to teaching. Module 4: Biases and Blind Spots Objectives: a. Describe Mind bugs and how they affect our perceptions. b. Describe the effects of impression management on how people respond to questions. c. Describe the Implicit Association Test (IAT) d. Describe how the subconscious mind influences our behavior. e. Describe how preference influence behavior over reason. |
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